Cannabis 1937, lack of science, racism & falsely accused!

In 2016 we now can scientifically prove the benefits through science. We do not have to live under the umbrella of lies for profit using slander and racism to pass silly laws!

This is going to be a very controversial blog. We have heard for a few generations now some pretty one sided facts involving cannabis.  Marijuana and Hemp are demonized as these horrible drugs. I am going to give you facts, and a few questions to ponder on.  And you can make up your own minds.

Is it a drug? Yes, but who labeled it as such? Its classified as an herb.

Is Marijuana and Hemp the same? NO. Hemp contains very little THC. It would be like growing any Poppy and expecting to make opium. It just won’t happen. Although just like hemp contains traces of THC, other poppy’s do contain a trace of the opiates. But they are not illegal.

So why is hemp illegal?

This is why… and don’t shoot the messenger, these are true facts that any quick Goggle search can prove true!

The demonization of the cannabis plant was an extension of the demonization of the Mexican immigrants in the early 1900’s. Then in the 1930’s claims were made about marijuana’s ability to cause men of color to become violent and solicit sex from white women.
Some parties have argued that the aim of the Act was to reduce the size of the hemp industry  largely as an effort of businessmen Andrew Mellon (who became the Secretary of the Treasury AND who heavily invested in Du Pont and the efforts of making paper one of our largest commodities) , Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family. WAIT… The Du Pont petrochemical company family?   Hummmm…… Since the 19th century the Du Pont family has been one of the richest families in America. Then walked in Harry J. Anslinger, one of the most raciest men who ever lived!

FACT: All our American Documents are written on hemp paper. Thats why we still have them all these years later.
FACT: President James Monroe:  Openly smoked hashish while he was Ambassador to France and continued smoking it until his death at age 73.
FACT: Thomas Jefferson: In addition to farming hemp, Jefferson was Ambassador to France during the hashish era there.  At risk of imprisonment if caught, Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China known for their potency to America.
FACT: George Washington: The father of our country kept meticulous diaries, wherein he noted “Sowed hemp at muddy hole by swamp” away from the hemp he grew for fiber. Now, anyone who understands hemp and marijuana understands they can’t be grown close together. They will cross pollinate and all of it will become hemp. So the “hemp” he is referring to is most likely marijuana.
FACT: There have been ZERO marijuana deaths documented. Not from over doses, not from vehicular accidents, nothing.  When you read in the new about “drug” shootings, its over prescription pills, heroine, cocaine, etc. In all my 48 years I have never heard or read about someone getting shot over marijuana. Not saying it not happened, I have not heard of it. Yet the amount of pharmaceutical deaths, the amount of alcohol related deaths, smoking cigarettes…. those numbers are HIGH!

Alcoholic Liver Disease : 18,146

Pharmaceutical Opioid Analgesics: 19,000 in 2014, up from 5,000 in 2001

Pharmaceutical Drugs: 27,000 in 2014, up from 9,000 in 2001

Cocaine: 5,500 in 2014, up from 4,000 in 2001

Herion: 9,000 in 2015 up from 2,000 in 2001

Cannabis: Zero. Thats none. Not one.

*In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.
Thats nearly 10,000 people.

If you are still with me and haven’t given up on all this reading, theres more. Let’s look at everything cannabis can do medicinally.

1. SLEEP!!!! Its a wonderful sleep aide. It have zero side effects, unlike the traditional pharmaceutical drugs have.

pharmaceutical sleep aide side effects:

  • Burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, or legs
  • Changes in appetite
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty keeping balance
  • Dizziness
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Dry mouth or throat (okay, cannabis can have this side
  • Gas
  • Headache (Cannabis can actually relieve headaches)
  • Heartburn
  • Impairment the next day
  • Insomnia
  • Mental slowing or problems with attention or memory
  • Stomach pain or tenderness
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
  • Unusual dreams
  • Weakness

2. Treat Glaucoma. (I am not going to list every drug and their side effects. You can easily find this information however on the web!)

3. May help reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco and improve lung health

4. Proven to help control epileptic seizures.

5.  A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer from spreading.

6. Slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

……and more from IBS, to muscle spasms, to arthritis. There are dozens of things this plant can do, and with no side effects. None.
Search side effects from any pill prescribed by your door or any over the counter pill. Even Tylenol is harmful to your liver.

Why have we demonized this herb?
**Side effects? Well, those have been proven false.
**People get high? Do we really care about that as a society when we have bars on every corner. I think not!
**Are we any longer worried about a black man being attracted to a white girl for any reason? NO! And if you are, shame on you!!

People have been told for years how horrible this “drug” is, and when we really lay it out? There is not foundation to these lies that have been spread for nothing more than profit for the right pockets.



Marijuana has had claims relating it to violence, slandering blacks and mexicans, saying it has roots in hell. Yet look at any “stoner”. They are laid back, chill. Just because someone claims something is true, doesn’t make it so. Think for yourself. Look at any movie, heck.. woodstock! Any fights involved alcohol not weed!!!!

And I will debunk the lies about marijuana being a gateway drug right now! Its not. Its the dealers. You have these people dealing pot and heavier drugs. They push the heavier stuff… “Hey! You think that high is great, try this” We need to remove cannabis from their hands!!!

“Tincture of Cannabis was the basis for almost every patent medicine prior to the discovery of aspirin. Hemp was used for rope, twine, and cloth. Sailing ships were loaded with hemp. The word “canvas” is derived from “cannabis”, because that’s what canvas was. “

When Rudolph Diesel produced his engine in 1896, he’d assumed it would run off of vegetable and seed oils, especially hemp, which is superior to petroleum. ”

QUOTE  from Harry J. Anslinger     (Did I mention….HE WAS ONE OF THE MOST RASIST MAN WHO VER LIVED!!!!) Click his name to read more stomach turning quotes!

“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.”
“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”


These ar some actual posters made to demonize marijuana based in profit and fear NOT science!!!!


Anslinger was the first commissioner of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Click on his name and scroll down to  The campaign against marijuana 1930–1937″  There you can read many of his lies including one that really got National attention.

His most infamous story in the The American Magazine concerned Victor Licata who killed his family:

“An entire family was murdered by a youthful addict in Florida. When officers arrived at the home, they found the youth staggering about in a human slaughterhouse. With an axe he had killed his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister. He seemed to be in a daze… He had no recollection of having committed the multiple crimes. The officers knew him ordinarily as a sane, rather quiet young man; now he was pitifully crazed. They sought the reason. The boy said that he had been in the habit of smoking something which youthful friends called ‘muggles,’ a childish name for marijuana.”

The story is one of 200 violent crimes that were documented in Anslinger’s “Gore Files” series. However, it has since been proved that Licata never murdered his family because of cannabis use; the youth actually had a severe mental illness.”

Be informed. We live in a day and age where you can easily research. Don’t be against the use of cannabis because you have been told your whole life it’s bad! Why are being told it’s bad? Who profits? Does the facts prove it’s a dangerous drug or that in fact it is not and can be not only a help to our person, but also to the environment?  (Hemp is fast growing and we no longer need to wipe out forests!! It could also be used as fuel and more)

I leave you with one last thought. When cannabis become legal, and we are moving that way, who should control it? Should it be the very ones who has carried the lies to push their agenda. So many people have died and been injured over pharmaceuticals, way too many trees have been cut down when hemp paper is proven to be far more superior! Clothing from hemp lasts far longer than cotton, a HEAVILY chemical sprayed crop. Are you seeing the connections yet?

During the lat 1930’s a black man had no voice, no vote when these horrible lies were being told about them. This is 2016! We do not have to live under that umbrella of lies. We can clearly see it for what it was! They clearly hit the most worried topics of the times
1. Mexicans. They were coming to America and some were so racists they did not like it.
2. Blacks. To date or marry a white girl was horrific. No proper white man wanted a black guy with their little girl!
3. Premarital sex (well, proper young ladies that is!) No parent wanted a loose girl as their daughter!

And thats what they targeted!


Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): bug killer you can eat!

Don’t you just love that title!! Maybe it is just me….but that is a great title. (It isn’t mine, I borrowed it!  lol)
People often ask me what I use as a bug killer/repellent on my garden. I wan to address that and maybe it will give you all some helpful tips!
I have used Neem Oil and Basic H from Shaklee for a few years and have always had great success. It is all natural, and you need to reapply often.  Often being a varied statement. I use it about once a week. If during that time it rains, I need to reapply. If the pests are hitting an area hard, I apply more often. For example, every year there is a couple weeks when those darn Japanese Beetles hit my green beans like there is no tomorrow! I make my mixture a bit more on the strong side, being careful not to get it too strong because the Neem oil is an oil. (Meaning, if you get to much, there is oil on the leaves and the sun will burn them.) I also re-apply every couple of days making sure I get the entire plant.

I have also added food grade Diatomaceous Earth to my regiment this year. This stuff is AMAZING!! Why I have not used it before, I have no idea!!  I was having a problem with beetles on my asparagus. This is the first real year I could pick any, and I was so excited! I love love love asparagus. But those darn bugs! They would eat it gone as soon as it peeked its little head from the ground. I was so discouraged! I was asking God for answers. He is the Master Gardener after all!
Then Diatomaceous Earth (DE) came to mind. I went out, sprinkled the area and even getting some on the asparagus.

The next day?  diatomaceous-earth-warrior-feat-150x150 ….ZERO BUGS!!!  Oh ya, I was doing a happy dance. After it rained, I did not get right back out there so I saw 6 or so bugs, so off to dusting I went. Now, I just be sure to keep the area dusted, and I have no problems at all.
I do need to point out, when using DE, please wear a mask. Just a contractors mask will do. Always spread as the wind is going away from you. If this gets into your lings it can cause serous issues. It is very east not to breath it if you pay attention, but it is note worthy to be sure you do. Now with that said, as long as you use food grade, you can eat it yourself! Your digestive track is much tougher than your soft lung tissue. It is great for parasites (killing them I mean) Farmers use it in feed for their live stalk to keep parasites away. We had a kitten show up at our house a few months ago, She would eat and eat, but her poor sides were always sunk in, her poo smelled horrible! SO I assumed she had a parasite and/or worm problem. We began sprinkling it on her food and she began to gain weight, her poo no linger smells, and he coat is just softer and healthier looking.
DE is also great so nail and hair care.
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is 89% Silica. ….“Silica is the most important trace element in human health.”
Read more Here!!

The company I have always bought my Neem Oil from is a company called By The Planet. They have wonderful customer service, which will sell me pretty fast on a company!! (click here to go to their web page)
$100 dollars sounds a bit pricey for a product, but remember a few things. One, all that work you put into your garden, you don’t want to see it eaten up! Another thing, it is very concentrated. I use about a heaping tablespoon per 2 gallons of water. (I also add about 2 tsp. of Basic H to the Neem for the garden.)
I will add some Neem oil to my dog’s shampoo in the summer to help control fleas as well.

Happy Eating!!

Raw Vegan and Lovin’ It!

I have been vegan since November 2012, by choice.
A Raw Vegan since Feb. 2013, by choice. I have slipped a couple times, but then get back on track. I am no more perfect than anyone else, but I have a drive, focus and a mission!
I have never been a big meat-eater. I could give milk up with ease, but cheese was hard for me!
So why did I do it? I watched a video (Vegucated)  that describes the way animals are treated as they are being raised and processed for meat, milk, cheese, etc. I could not partake in the cruelty of that industry! So that was one part. Now fortunately for us, we live in an area where we can get farm fresh eggs, I know a few people who raise and butcher their own meats. But for me, I can’t stand the idea of eating something that use to be living, but for others in my family, they are okay with eating meat. I am glad we have that choice because I wont be buying meat and eggs from any store from here on out!
So why a raw vegan? Well first, I do not eat 100% raw, but still consider myself a raw vegan.  Some who are very dogmatic would not agree with that statement, but I don’t care 😉
I eat pretty much raw. I have slipped into some bad choices over the last couple weeks, but after waking up with a sore throat and hurting all over, I am done with that! Why do we do that to ourselves! Do things that we know will be bad for us?!
I love eating foods with life. My body is a living body. I have cells that need protecting. I have organs that need to be at full function. I want to equip my body with what it needs to fight a good fight! Both physically and spiritually. God created our bodies to be fueled with food. Food is not any item that was created by man that fills your stomach. Food is a substance that is consumed to provide nutritional support for the body.  (That brings me to the quest I am on. That is to expose what is being sold as food that is nothing more than toxins in a wrapper!)
Eating 90% raw is a bit extreme to some, but I personally think it is needed. We have so much junk in the air, soil and our foods. We need to eat foods in its natural state, unbroken, still living and packed full of minerals, vitamin, enzymes and wonderful taste!
The more you eat this way, the better you feel and the more your body loves living foods!
So many say “I can’t afford to eat like that!”  I say, “You can’t afford not to!”Have you priced high blood pressure, cancer or any of the illnesses plugging our country? They are very pricey! Not to mention you are better than that. YOU deserve to feel your best. Eating whole foods is not a promise of perfect health, but don’t you want to feel you best? I just read an article and it said that 78% of cancers would not exist if we ate right and exercised. 78%! Now, that isn’t 100%, but hey! I will take that! Especially now they are saying that 1 in 2 will get some form of cancer in their life. WOW, staggering! (So is all that “cancer research” everyone is giving billions to really being used for research??) That is another blog. But, I do suggest you research where your money is going.
Summer is coming, grow a garden. I don’t care how small your yard is, you have room! You have a dog and a small yard? Build something that stands. Google it. There are tons of ideas for small yard gardens.
When my kids were little we had a very, very small yard. I didn’t have room for a swing set. We had a 6 ft fence that separated our yard with the neighbors. I had flowers alongside the fence. Wen I decided I wanted to have a garden, I planted cucumbers tat grew up the fence, cherry tomatoes, could do beets and carrots. I had another small area (5X5) that I grew tomatoes. I packed them in! I grew enough tomatoes to can. You can get very creative, but if you have an 8 foot concrete area for a yard, you can still grow some veggies!
The local farmers market will be open soon. There will be tons of produce for a very good price!
We buy fruits that are expiring and freeze them. You can get a case of pineapples that are going bad, bring them home, peel and chop..freeze. We do this with bananas, peaches, apples, tomatoes, and whatever else we can get a case of for $2. We have frozen fruit for months throughout the fall and winder for smoothies! There are ways to eat healthy and make it affordable. It takes your effort and you have to change the way you think of food. When you understand there just simply is not a choice, you make it a priority, then you begin to search for ways to get healthier food.
We have a 13-year-old van, we don’t have cable, and we do not eat out. God is and will always be first in our lives, but food is extremely important! It doesn’t over shadow Jesus by any means, but to us, it is a package deal! He told us to take care of the temple He gave us. He said it is better to cut your throat than to give into gluttony! He also said He gave us foods and herbs for healing. He grew a garden before He created man! He walk and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden. I think food is high on His list! It should be high on yours  😉



That’s right! On Wednesday February 13th, Barry and I are going on a 40 day RAW FEAST! We are super excited. For 40 days we will eat only uncooked, unaltered, raw foods. (No meats silly) We will eat raw zucchini spaghetti, squash soups made in our vitamix, kale chips and other dehydrated great foods. We will feast on a variety of juices, along with oranges loaded with vitamin C, juicy grapefruit, cleansing cucumbers, delicious grapes, guilt free raw chocolate, mouth watering melons, crunchy sprouts and so much more!

We have been preparing and planning this for about a month now. We had learned that a friend was preparing doing a raw feast, and we decided to join in. We are super pumped! We know that our bodies, right down to our cellular level will thank us.  Check back for some yummy recipes. As we try things, we will post what we like, and thoughts about this venture.